Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things We Lost In The Fire

I was talking with someone recently about the Lordship of Jesus. To be "Lord" means that He is the boss, master, commander-in-chief, etc.. This means that when I became a Christian, I forfeited all rights of my own. I became His son, born into a kingdom, but freed from all rights and self-entitlement. He is the king, and while I am a son of the king, everything - rights, privileges, identity, whatever - is now bestowed from His incomparable love and scandalous generosity. Everything - EVERYTHING! - is grace; it's all gift.

The spirit of the age says, "I deserve this or that...". Let's not forget that we all deserve hell; anything less than that is mercy. Our father, Adam, trapped us in the burning house of sin. But, the Landlord ran into the fire and rescued us, of His own goodness. In the fire, we lost everything; but now, the Landlord who saved us has also adopted us and taken responsibility of us as His very own. Instead of replacing what we lost with the same things, He instead gives to us of His own things, better things, that we could never afford apart from His grace and generosity. This is how He loves us: by rescuing us out of our fatal inferno; by giving us more and better than we ever had before (or ever deserved); and by not giving us rights, but instead privileges. What an awesome love! What a wonderful Lord!

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