Saturday, April 5, 2008

Welcome To My Blog!

The purpose of - really, the heart of this blog - is to share and explore and discover the depths of the love of God in Christ, but from the basis of union with Jesus Christ. For anyone to be a Christian, Jesus Christ Himself must be living inside of them. That's the real decisive factor: Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27). But discovering the depths of Jesus living in me in my day to day world is an ongoing journey of intimacy with Him at all levels of my life, inside and out. I welcome any one who wishes to seek, to share, to fully enter into this glorious mystery of oneness with Christ. It doesn't matter where you're at on the journey; what matters is that you're on the journey. Welcome!

1 comment:

Desert Pilgrim said...

YOur blog is wonderful, I am going to add a link from my blog.
Susan, Sr. Brigid.