Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Flesh or Spirit?

"What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6).

Recently, I've noticed a growing shift in emphasis among Christians. There is beginning to be a reawakening to the social aspect of Christ's teachings; i.e., caring for the poor, the needy, the homeless, etc.. Personally, this appeals to me and I'm glad to see this taking on renewed importance. Leaders have arisen in the ranks (Shane Claiborne, Tony Campolo) whom I think are doing a good job of living this out and teaching others to do the same. There are others who have come up from the ranks that I'm not real sure of. God is their judge, not I. But, their presence on the scene has reminded me of an important truth, which is this: The nature of an activity does not determine whether it's holy or not; the holiness (or godliness, meaning "god-like-ness") of any activity is determined by the source of the activity. Is it produced and performed by the Holy Spirit through me? Or is it produced and performed by my flesh (my own independent will, abilities, and resources)?

Any activity done in the name of Christ - preaching, caring for the poor, serving, teaching, whatever - that has as its source my own strength and resources. In other words, anything done independently of Christ's own initiative and sustaining power is worthless. Only those actions and deeds that have their origin in Christ and are performed and sustained by Christ's activity in and through me have any eternal value. Therefore, if my Christianity is lived in my strength, my wisdom, my resources, my abilities and my talents, who should get the credit? Myself! But if my Christianity is Christ living His life through me by His power, His abilities, His gifts, His resources, then who gets the credit? Christ Himself! Who, then, is glorified? Christ Himself!

Anything done in the name of Christ, that's done independently from Christ, no matter how "good" it may seem, is merely a monument to myself. Only Jesus can produce and perform anything that's worthy of His name. Only Jesus.

"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever" (Romans 11:36).

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