Having stated that man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, Satan then quotes scripture to Jesus. However, he misinterprets the passage by applying it out of context. God does promise in Psalm 91 that his angels will guard us and protect us, but this promise is made to one fulfilling a specific condition: "He who dwells (abides, remains) in the shelter of the Most High" (Ps. 91:1). The one who abides, acknowledges, and loves Him will live in the promises given in this psalm. Jesus, of course, knows this and says, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test' (or, on trial)." To abide is faith; what the tempter offered was presumption.
So, what is the application for me? Here's some:
The conditions and the context of any promise is crucial to its understanding and its experience. In all of scripture, there are many examples of God's blessing and favors being experienced by the recipient fulfilling certain conditions, commands, or stipulations. The night of Passover is one example: the blood had to be on the doorposts and lintel and everyone had to be in the house, else they would die with the Egyptian firstborn. And there are many examples from daily life that need not be mentioned here. Condition and context are absolutely necessary for right understanding and experience of God's promises.
The promises of God have to be applied by the Spirit of God within relationship to God. This one is directly related to the one above. Simply because I may find a scripture that agrees with what I may believe or think on a given point does not mean that I have the mind of God on the matter. Intimate relationship is also vital to understanding and experiencing the promises of God.
Jesus knew the conditions and the context of the scripture Satan quoted. But above that, Jesus knew the Father - He knew his heart and mind by the Holy Spirit. If you know, love, and trust someone, you don't have to test them - you just know them.
That's the secret...knowing.
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