In Exodus 15:22-25, the children of Israel have just seen God deliver them by parting the Red Sea, leading through on dry ground, and then, closing back the waters on their enemies, swallowing them forever. They have seen the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud. They have seen the dreadful and awesome plagues, through which God made a distinction between them and all other peoples. In short, God has displayed His love for them and His power to them through miracles, signs, and wonders that were indisputable and "over the top". Now, three days after the miraculous Red Sea deliverance, they arrive at Marah, tired and thirsty. But the water there is bitter and undrinkable. And the people began to grumble against Moses and against the Lord. Moses goes to the Lord, asking, "What shall we drink?" "And the Lord showed him a tree; and he (Moses) threw it in the waters, and the waters became sweet" (v. 25).
Lately, I've been doing a lot of complaining and griping about my circumstances and situations. I've been bitter and ungrateful toward the Lord. Today, I was sharing this story with a friend and the Lord spoke to me the following:
The waters are circumstances and situations in my life. The tree is the cross. Only as I allow the Lord to apply the cross to my circumstances (i.e., throw it in the waters) will they ever become sweet and drinkable. If I do not, every situation will be bitter and intolerable. The circumstances never change physically (they were at the same pool of water), but the fruit of the circumstances does. The difference is in letting Him apply the cross. The cross always bring forth new life and brings the sweetest fruit.
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